
The older warriors could not make this trip without the caring assistance of the Honor Flight DFW (HFDFW) Guardians. The responsibility is huge, but nothing compares to what these veterans did for our country and our world!

The safety of the HFDFW veterans is paramount!

The role of the guardian should not be taken lightly. The veterans are counting on you to help them safely make the journey to DC and home. It is a commitment of your time and attention, a desire to honor the aged veterans, and it is a physically demanding job.

Guardian Criteria
* Must have an email address
* Must be physically capable of lifting 50 plus pounds, walking 2 miles and pushing a wheelchair.
* Read and agree to the "Duties and Responsibilities of a Guardian"
* Must attend a mandatory Guardian Training (prior to the trip)
* Must attend the Pre-Flight Briefing (the week before we travel)
* Must attend the post-flight Reunion (about 2 months after the trip)